Storm's Lair
Valid CSS!


I'm Storm. Welcome to my website. Here, I am planning to play with HTML and CSS (and maybe JavaScript too in the future) and have fun. I got to know of Neocities from You've Got Kat's video on indie web (recommended to me after 2 years!!!).

I am an adult with a full paying job. While learning by playing, I will be sharing my general interests and hobbies and what-not. So, stay tuned while I take time to share my hobbies and interests with you all.

I am learning all these stuff from w3schools. Highly recommended.

Thanks to Solaria for recommending it and for the CSS div guide. Thanks to Allison "A.N." Lucas for most, if not all, of the 88x31 web buttons. I have also used some buttons from this website.

Computer Stuff

Last edited: 27-08-2024